Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to start beekeeping?

Keeping bees is like learning a new skill such as playing the guitar or driving car for the first time. You need to have good instructors or a qualified teacher to help you get started. But first you need the willingness and the determination to move forward. So the best way to keep bees you will need the equipment such as the beehive, smoker, gloves, bee suit and the hive tool. Also it helps to join a bee keeping group or a local beekeeping association. Reading books or watching videos is another way to help you master your skill.

This is the right time to start buying the equipment before the spring to order the bees. You could start with one hive however two or more is better. If you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact the group. Good luck for your new adventure.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009